Inclusion through Art
ArtBILITIES: Everyone is an artist” aims to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe by providing opportunities to study, practice and exchange training experiences abroad
The art expressions, Land Art, Photography, Dance, Music, Theater, promote the physical, cognitive, emotional integration of the individual, her/his psychosocial and emotional maturity and the development of her/his creative potential
PROJECT activities focussed on the social inclusion through the arts aims to the acquisition of WORDS, verbal and language proficiency and expressiveness
The general objective is the inclusion of young people with functional diversity through art and creative expression. It seeks to work on stigma, isolation, social exclusion and the difficulty of access to the cultural and artistic world through awareness, empowerment, creation of participatory spaces, the approximation of cultural and artistic activities that will generate a horizontal methodology and based on capacity and citizen participation
Dancing Dialogue for all
Dance is an artistic expression for people that are free in space; the dance language becomes intercultural dialogue
The art expressions which encourage the body one and the acquisition of WORDS, of the mother language
Dance promote the physical, cognitive and emotional integration of the individual, his/her psychosocial and emotional maturity and the development of his/her creative potential
Dance activities focussed on the social inclusion through the arts aims to the acquisition of words, verbal and language proficiency and expressiveness